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How to Hint That You Want Flowers: A Guide for All Relationships

Flowers have long been a symbol of affection, appreciation, and care. Whether you’re hoping to receive a bouquet from a significant other, a thoughtful arrangement from your parents, a cheerful bunch from your best friend, or even a surprise from a person you have a complicated crush on, there are subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways to drop hints. This blog will guide you through the art of hinting for flowers tailored to different people in your life.

Ways to hint that you want flowers.
Hinting for Flowers

1. Hinting to Your Significant Other

When it comes to hinting to your significant other, you can be a bit more direct since you likely share a deeper bond and understanding. Here are some effective strategies:

Around Special Occasions

- Birthday/Anniversary Reminder: A week before your birthday or anniversary, casually mention how beautiful flowers make these occasions feel extra special. For example, “I remember last year’s flowers on my birthday; they really brightened up the day!”

- Upcoming Events: Mention any upcoming events where flowers would be a nice touch, such as hosting a dinner or celebrating a personal achievement.

During Everyday Conversations

- Compliment Their Choice: If you see flowers while out together, compliment them on their good taste if they point out a nice bouquet. “You have such a good eye for flowers; that bouquet would look amazing in our living room.”

- Share a Story: Tell a story about a time when you received flowers and how it made you feel. For instance, “One of my fondest memories is when I got those surprise lilies after a tough week; it completely turned my mood around.”

At Home

- Subtle Placement: Place a floral-themed magazine or a catalog with beautiful bouquets in a visible spot. Leave it open to a page featuring flowers you like.

- Hint through Home Decor: Integrate floral elements into your home decor, like floral cushions or artwork. Comment on how real flowers would complement the decor perfectly.

On Social Media

- Like and Share: Like and share posts featuring beautiful flower arrangements. Tag your partner in a post with a caption like, “These are gorgeous!”

- Create a Wishlist: If you have a Pinterest or similar platform, create a “Dream Bouquets” board and mention it to your partner, saying, “I’ve been pinning some lovely bouquets; they’re so inspiring!”

2. Hinting to Your Parents

Parents often appreciate directness but also respond well to subtle hints. Here’s how you can nudge them towards getting you flowers:

Family Gatherings

- Discuss Tradition: During family gatherings, talk about family traditions or memories involving flowers. For example, “Remember when grandma used to always have fresh flowers on the table? It made the house so welcoming.”

- Show Enthusiasm: Express excitement about any flowers currently in the home. “These flowers are so lovely; they really brighten up the place!”

Regular Communication

- Phone Calls/Texts: During a chat or text, mention how you saw a beautiful flower shop or market stall. “I passed by this amazing flower shop today; their roses were stunning!”

- Casual Mention: If you’re discussing a gift for someone else, say, “Flowers are such a great gift; they’re so versatile and thoughtful.”

At Home

- Visual Hints: If you live with your parents, leave floral catalogs or magazines open around the house. Make sure they feature bouquets you like.

- Drop a Hint: Leave a handwritten note or a small sticky note saying something like, “Flowers always make me smile!” on the fridge or another common area.

Special Occasions

- Hint Before Holidays: Before Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or any family holiday, mention how much you enjoy flowers around these times. “I love how flowers make Mother’s Day feel so special.”

- Lead by Example: Give flowers to your parents on a random day, then comment on how they brighten up the home. This can subtly encourage them to reciprocate.

3. Hinting to Your Best Friend

Best friends share a unique bond where you can be a bit playful and more direct with your hints. Here’s how to nudge your best friend towards getting you flowers:

Casual Conversations

- Floral Enthusiasm: Express your love for flowers during casual chats. “I’ve been really into flowers lately; they just make everything feel happier!”

- Memory Lane: Reminisce about a time you both enjoyed flowers together. “Remember that time we picked wildflowers on our hike? That was so much fun.”

Social Media

- Tag Them: Tag your best friend in posts featuring beautiful bouquets with comments like, “These are so pretty! Would love these!”

- Share Stories: Share stories of receiving flowers and how much it meant to you. “Flashback to when I got these gorgeous tulips; they totally made my day.”

During Shopping Trips

- Flower Shops: When out shopping together, suggest popping into a flower shop just to look around. Make comments on your favorite blooms.

- Window Shopping: If you pass by a florist, stop to admire the display and mention how you’d love to have such beautiful flowers.

Gift-Giving Contexts

- Give Flowers First: Give your best friend flowers on a random occasion or their birthday. This can prompt them to think of flowers when it’s your turn.

- Birthday Wishlist: If your birthday is coming up, include flowers on your wishlist. “I’ve been really into flowers lately; they’d be a great gift.”

4. Hinting to Your Complicated Crush

Hinting to someone you like but aren’t sure if they like you back can be tricky. You want to be subtle yet clear enough to convey your interest in receiving flowers. Here’s how to navigate this:

Casual Conversations

- General Statements: Make general statements about how much you like flowers. “I’ve always thought flowers are such a sweet gesture; they really show someone cares.”

- Hypothetical Scenarios: Discuss hypothetical scenarios where receiving flowers would make your day. “Imagine coming home to a surprise bouquet; that would be amazing.”

During Shared Activities

- Visit Flower Markets: Suggest visiting a flower market or a botanical garden together. While there, express your admiration for the flowers. “These are so beautiful; I’d love to have some of these at home.”

- Gardening Talk: If gardening comes up in conversation, talk about how you enjoy having fresh flowers around. “I love having fresh flowers; they really brighten up my space.”

Subtle Social Media Hints

- Story Sharing: Share stories or posts about flowers, and see if they react or comment. “These peonies are my favorite! 🌸”

- Profile Cues: Update your profile or cover photos to something floral-themed, and observe if they mention anything about it.

Indirect Suggestions

- Book References: If you’re discussing books or movies, bring up ones that feature flowers prominently. “I just read this amazing book where the main character gets these beautiful flowers, and it was such a touching moment.”

- Art and Decor: Talk about how much you love floral art or decor. “I’ve been thinking of getting some floral prints for my room; they just make everything feel more vibrant.”

Gift-Giving Occasions

- Give a Floral Gift: If you’re giving them a gift, include a small floral element, like a single flower or a floral-scented item. This can hint at your love for flowers.

- Comment on Gifts: If they give you a gift, mention how flowers would be a perfect complement. “This is lovely! You know, flowers would look amazing with this.”


Hinting that you want flowers doesn’t have to be complicated. By understanding the dynamics of your relationship with the person you’re hinting to, you can tailor your approach to be subtle yet effective. Whether it’s through casual conversation, social media, or shared activities, there are plenty of ways to drop hints that will hopefully lead to you receiving a beautiful bouquet.

Flowers are more than just gifts; they’re a way to express emotions and show someone that you care. So go ahead, start dropping those hints and enjoy the delightful surprise of receiving flowers from someone special in your life.

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